To discover your gift or giftings, all you have to do is rate each characteristic from 1 to 10. Be honest in your answers, and you will see which gifts you are strong in and the ones that may need some building up. You cannot fail this test unless you are not honest with your answers. Total up your score at the end of each gift, then move on to the next gift. Then transfer all your totals at the bottom of the page, and you will see what your talent or giftings are and know where you are strong and where work needs to be done.
Characteristics: Rate from 1 to 10
1. Loves to encourage others to live victoriously.___________
2. Wants a visible response when teaching or speaking.___________
3. Prefers to apply truth rather than research it.___________
4. Prefers systems of information that have practical application.___________
5. Loves to prescribe precise steps of action to aid personal growth.___________
6. Focuses on working with people.___________
7. Encourages others to develop in their personal ministries.___________
8. Finds truth in experience and then validates it with Scripture.___________
9. Loves to do personal counseling.___________
10. Will discontinue personal counseling if no effort to change is seen.___________
11. Is fluent in communication.___________
12. Views trials as opportunities to produce personal growth.___________
13. Accepts people as they are without judging them.___________
14. Is greatly loved because of his positive attitude.___________
15. Prefers to witness with life rather than verbal witnessing.
16. Makes decisions easily.___________
17. Always completes what is started.___________
18. Wants to clear up problems with others quickly.___________
19. Expects a lot of self and others.___________
20. Needs a sounding board for bouncing off ideas and thoughts.___________
Characteristics: Rate from 1 to 10
1. Presents truth in a logical, systematic way.___________
2. Validates truth by checking out the facts.___________
3. Loves to study and do research.___________
4. Enjoys word studies.___________
5. Prefers to use biblical illustrations rather than life illustrations.___________
6. Gets upset when Scripture is used out of context.___________
7. Feels concerned that truth be established in every situation.___________
8. Is more objective than subjective.___________
9. Easily develops and uses a large vocabulary.___________
10. Emphasizes facts and the accuracy of words.___________
11. Checks out the source of knowledge of others who teach.___________
12. Prefers teaching believers to engaging in evangelism.___________
13. Feels Bible study is foundational to the operation of all the gifts.___________
14. Solves problems by starting with scriptural principles.___________
15. Is intellectually sharp.___________
16. Is self-disciplined.___________
17. Is emotionally self-controlled.___________
18. Has only a select circle of friends.___________
19. Has strong convictions and opinions based on investigation of facts.___________
20. Believes truth has the intrinsic power to produce change.___________
Characteristics: Rate from 1 to 10
1. Quickly and accurately identifies good and evil and hates evil.___________
2. Sees everything as either black or white; no gray or indefinite areas.___________
3. Easily perceives the character of individuals and groups.___________
4. Encourages repentance that produces good fruit.___________
5. Believes the acceptance of difficulties will produce positive personal brokenness.___________
6. Has only a few or no close friendships.___________
7. Views the Bible as the basis for truth, belief, action, and authority.___________
8. Boldly operates on spiritual principles.___________
9. Is frank, outspoken, and doesn't mince words.___________
10. Is very persuasive in method of speaking.___________
11. Grieves deeply over the sins of others.___________
12. Is eager to see his own blind spots and to help others see theirs too.___________
13. Desires above all else to see God's plan worked out in all situations.___________
14. Strongly promotes the spiritual growth of groups and individuals.___________
15. Is called to intercession.___________
16. Feels the need to verbalize or dramatize what he sees.___________
17. Tends to be introspective.___________
18. Has strong opinions and convictions.___________
19. Has strict personal standards.___________
20. Desires to be obedient to God at all costs.___________
Characteristics: Rate from 1 to 10
1. Is highly motivated to organize that for which he's responsible.___________
2. Expresses ideas and organization in ways that communicate clearly.___________
3. Prefers to be under authority in order to have authority.___________
4. Will not take responsibility unless delegated by those in authority.___________
5. Will assume responsibilities if no specific leadership exists.___________
6. Especially enjoys working on long-range goals and projects.___________
7. Is a visionary person with a broad perspective.___________
8. Easily facilitates resources and people to accomplish tasks or goals.___________
9. Enjoys delegating tasks and supervising people.___________
10. Will endure criticism in order to accomplish the ultimate task.___________
11. Has great zeal and enthusiasm for whatever he is involved in.___________
12. Finds greatest fulfillment and joy in working to accomplish goals.___________
13. Is willing to let others get the credit in order to get a job done.___________
14. Prefers to move on to a new challenge once something is completed.___________
15. Constantly writes notes to self.___________
16. Is a natural and capable leader.___________
17. Knows when to keep old methods going and when to introduce new
18. Enjoys working with and being around people.___________
19. Wants to see things completed as quickly as possible.___________
20. Does not enjoy doing routine tasks.___________
Characteristics: Rate from 1 to 10
1. Has tremendous capacity to show love.___________
2. Always looks for good in people.___________
3. Senses the spiritual and emotional atmosphere of a group or individual.___________
4. Is attracted to people who are hurting or in distress.___________
5. Takes action to remove hurts and relieve distress in others.___________
6. Is more concerned for mental and emotional distress than physical
7. Is motivated to help people have right relationships with one another.___________
8. Loves opportunities to give preference or place to others.___________
9. Takes care with words and actions to avoid hurting others.___________
10. Easily detects insincerity or wrong motives.___________
11. Is drawn to others with the gift of compassion.___________
12. Loves to do thoughtful things for others.___________
13. Is trusting and trustworthy.___________
14. Avoids conflicts and confrontations.___________
15. Doesn't like to be rushed in a job or activity.___________
16. Is typically cheerful and joyful.___________
17. Is ruled by the heart rather than head.___________
18. Rejoices to see others blessed and grieves to see others hurt.___________
19. Is a crusader for good causes.___________
20. Intercedes for the hurts and problems of others.___________
Characteristics: Rate from 1 to 10
1. Easily recognizes practical needs and is quick to meet them.___________
2. Especially enjoys manual projects, jobs, and functions.___________
3. Keeps everything in meticulous order.___________
4. Is a detail person with a good memory.___________
5. Enjoys showing hospitality.___________
6. Will stay with something until it is completed.___________
7. Has a hard time saying no to requests for help.___________
8. Is more interested in meeting the needs of others than own needs.___________
9. Enjoys working on immediate goals rather than long-range goals.___________
10. Shows love for others in deeds and actions more than words.___________
11. Needs to feel appreciated.___________
12. Tends to do more than asked to do.___________
13. Feels greatest joy in dong something that is helpful.___________
14. Does not want to lead others or projects.___________
15. Has a high energy level.___________
16. Cannot stand to be around clutter.___________
17. Tends to be a perfectionist.___________
18. Views serving to be of primary importance in life.___________
19. Prefers doing a job to delegating it.___________
20. Supports others who are in leadership.___________
Characteristics: Rate from 1 to 10
1. Gives freely of money, possessions, time, energy, and love.___________
2. Loves to give without others knowing about it.___________
3. Wants to feel a part of the ministries to which he contributes.___________
4. Intercedes for needs and the salvation of souls.___________
5. Feels delighted when his gift is an answer to specific prayer.___________
6. Wants gifts to be of high quality or craftsmanship.___________
7. Gives only by the leading of the Holy Spirit.___________
8. Gives to support and bless others or to advance a ministry.___________
9. Views hospitality as an opportunity to give.___________
10. Handles finances with wisdom and frugality.___________
11. Quickly volunteers to help where a need is seen.___________
12. Seeks confirmation on the amount to give.___________
13. Has strong belief in tithing and in giving in addition to tithing.___________
14. Focuses on sharing the Gospel.___________
15. Believes God is the Source of his supply.___________
16. Is very industrious with a tendency toward success.___________
17. Has natural and effective business ability.___________
18. Likes to get the best valve for the money spent.___________
19. Is definitely not gullible.___________
20. Possesses both natural and God-given wisdom.___________
1 GIFT__________
2 GIFT__________
3 GIFT__________